How Moore Humane Pooch Park in the Pines came to Be...
In late summer of 2009 a handful of eager volunteers with a dream, behind our founder Linda Hubbard, stood where the parking lot is now, looked at the five acres of dense woods and tangles and wondered if we could ever find our dog park in all that. Moore Humane generously allowed us to use these beautiful acres to create the dog Eden that it represented. The only proviso: we had to fund and manage it all ourselves.
So there we were a handful of volunteers with a dream. We had meetings and planned how we, mere dog lovers, could accomplish this with nothing more than our unblistered hands and no funds.
It was Linda Hubbard who has been our driving force. She showed us what fund-raising could do. We’ve had two golf tournaments over those first two years… Woof Woof Open 1 and 2, we called them. They brought in more than $12,000 clear with ready, sweaty volunteers--no one taking a salary or dollar.
We solicited donations from our business friends and benevolent individuals. We had volunteer companies and people with tractors, trucks and chain saws. And we ourselves worked harder than ever before, cutting trees, chopping logs and clearing glass and debris because some of the land had been used as an illegal dumping ground. We bought the fences, ran the water, did the parking lot, put in the gazebos and were responsible for all you see and use today.
The big sign at the Pooch Park entrance has the names of most of those pioneer volunteers, the businesses and outside individuals that really caught the fever and pitched in. It was a major job over many weeks with major pride of accomplishment. There is no Pooch Park board, no boss or “sheriff.” We are self-governed and maintained by volunteer efforts.
Because of Linda’s tireless efforts in every facet of the Park, it has worked reasonably well. The poop is picked up, the potty is serviced, weeds are cut and everyday maintenance handled. Loyal members have supported the park over the years with word-of-mouth recruiting, registering new members, helping on clean-up days, filling water bowls, caring for their dogs and especially for being ambassadors for the park. It can’t happen without that… and it definitely wouldn’t have happened without Linda Hubbard.
Volunteers from our membership will always be welcomed and needed to play a role in PPIP communication, marketing and maintenance going forward. Plans are still evolving as PPIP transitions from Linda Hubbard’s benevolent guidance to a volunteer driven structure so we can remain, as mandated, completely self-funded and member-operated.
Donations are always welcome: A number of those early members and businesses have made donations in dollars and services to Moore Humane Pooch Park in the Pines to help us continue into the future. Donations in any form are still most welcome. Since Moore Humane is a 501(C) 3 not-for-profit corporation, some donations may be tax deductible. Check with your financial person.
Linda Hubbard
Original Chair Woman of Pooch Park Partner
We are always welcoming new sponsors to help maintain the Pooch Park. Please contact us at for more information.
Pooch Park in the Pines, a 3 1/2 acre fenced park is a joint project between Moore Humane Society and a group of dedicated volunteers called ”Pooch Park Partners in the Pines.”
The Pooch Park is open seven days a week from dawn to dusk. Memberships start at $50.00 one dog one year, $70.00 for two dogs, $90 for three dogs. Limit is three dogs per household.
The park is located on old Highway 22 directly across from the airport hangers on 12 acres owned by Moore Humane Society.